I’ll just admit it. I’m a huge Rene Gutteridge fan. The Boo Series? Loved it. So, when I was online the other day and saw a book she co-wrote with Cheryl McKay, I ordered it. From the title and back page blurb, I was expecting a “27 Dresses” for the Christian set. And to some extent, this was Rene’s attempt–or is it Cheryl’s–at what’s known as ‘chick lit.’ This story reads like its ready for its movie treatment, complete with great dialogue. My first hiccup though was when God was introduced as a character. These kind of things always give me the willies. So, then I’m thinking this is that 70’s movie “O God” for the Christian set. Maybe its a hybrid, but with better theology. Truthfully, though, I just never cared enough for the main character to stay with each and every page. I liked what the authors were saying about how God is the ‘be all, end all’ in a person’s life, but I never saw how the character came to that understanding. And I was surprised that some sub-characters could see God (as he was dressed in hunky human form) but others could not. Oh, well. This is why we call it ‘fiction.’ Anyway, the quality of the writing is not at fault, but this will not go down in top 5 fave of Rene’s books.