Books Make Wonderful Gifts

Spoiler alert: I’m biased. I’ve loved receiving books since I was a child and understood that I was the weird one and that if people gave me a book, it’s because they related to the quiet child who preferred to play in her imagination. Fast forward a few decades, and I’m now I’m the one giving books. Not only the ones I write, but also ones that I find in bookstores and resale shops that reflect a person’s interests, tastes, and preferences. Books don’t have to match, be a perfect size, or be fashionable to be appreciated. They’re also consumable and 100% recyclable. They can be passed on, re-gifted, and donated to a worthy cause. Are they the PERFECT gift–probably not, but they’re pretty darn close.

I’ll be touring around bookshops, libraries, and stores in the next few weeks with my newest novel, Comfort Foods, and quite happy to inscribe a message to a special someone in your life that needs a sweet, second-chances novel to enjoy during the holidays. If you want one mailed to you, just shoot me an email with a request, payment options, and I’ll help you with that gift delivery from the home office. Happy reading!
