
Tumbleweeds, the second novel by Leila Meacham, closely follows the same format as her first novel (and one I thoroughly enjoyed!) the Roses. I guess the lesson here is if you’ve got a bang up recipe, don’t mess with it. And she doesn’t. This novel, though set in west Texas as opposed to east, is the roller coaster story of the 3 childhood friends who’s choices take them in wildly divergent directions. Mrs. Meacham certainly understands pathos and she’s created another success with this story. I do wish I’d not read it as fast as I had, because now with hindsight, I can see story elements I’d probably have enjoyed or understood if I’d not glossed over parts. But that’s a natural hazard when one is riding with one’s husband through the backroads of Louisiana and the role of navigator is forced upon one. It will be interesting to see what Mrs. Meacham creates for her third attempt, but in the meantime I highly recommend Tumbleweeds.
