Book Signing Joys

I’m incredibly grateful for readers, friends, complete strangers who happen to walk in to a store and don’t run when I tell them about my books. It was thrilling to see folks last week, have them indulge me about talking up the new novel, Comfort Zone, and then a keepsake memory to see them walk away with a book or three in their hands.

To be able to connect with someone who enjoyed my story is a joy indescribable. Most writers write for their own pleasure (or compulsion, one of the two.) Yet, there’s no feeling quite like leaning over a table and sharing highlights, tidbits, and insider scoop with a reader who delighted in the story. For those writers who yearn to connect with readers again, hang on. Better days are coming. For readers who like to connect with authors, thank you. You, dear ones, apply the dose of encouragement that keep writers at our desks.
